• Peter Westcott

    Peter Westcott


    Peter Westcott (UK '47)

    Voor mij is het water, de oceaan het begin, het eind, de weg en het wezen van alles. Het is natuur ‘naturelle’. Daar is niets aan te veranderen, laat
    staan te verbeteren. De oceaan is al miraculeus en mysterieus genoeg van zichzelf, in haar wezen. Net als het leven.

    Peter Westcott

    Peter Westcott wordt in Continentaal Europa exclusief vertegenwoordigd door The Obsession of Art.


    Biografie Peter Westcott

    From the moment he was born in Birmingham, Peter had a passion for the ocean. He grew up a child of the water on the rugged south coast of England. At a young age he had a sketchbook in his hand to try and catch the miracle of water in pencil lines.  Straining to place the material totally into the service of the miracle of the ocean, his future has already been decided at that moment.  First the renowned Coventry College of Art, next the mecca of art: London. He works with the sculptor Michael Sandel at the English National Opera as stage painter and at the famous J.M. Dents&Sons as illustrator.  Painters like Turner, Hobbema, Crone, de Wint and Paul Nash influence his work which grows from realistic to passionately abstract.

    A visit to the northern coast of Cornwall in 1987 lead to a life changing experience. From this time on Peter linked his fate and inspiration to the ocean. He paints his emotional stories enveloped in the waves, rollers and foam. He paints water as only a single, special talent can. As the source of life is entitled to, masterly, delicate, majestic, unpredictable, mysterious and brimming with emotion.

    Solo exhibitions have taken Peter Westcott’s works all over the world in galleries like: ; Hammersmith & Jones Gallery (San Francisco-USA), White Art Gallery and Upperstreet  Gallery (Londen-UK), Window Gallery (Brighton-UK), The Obsession of Art (Bergen-NL) and the  Holland Art Fair (Den Haag-NL).

    In continental Europe Peter Westcott  is exclusively represented by The Obsession of Art.